Grammar conditional tense :
Pour conjuguer un verbe au conditionnel en Anglais, c'est très simple. Il faut juste utiliser cette formule :
Sujet + would + verb ( without To ).
Example : To eat .
I would eat. Aminata would eat. The students would eat.
To do : I would do. You would do. He/ She/It would do. We would do. They would do.
Let's apply this tense with " to like " and find the meaning into french.
To like: I would like to tell you ( j'aimerais te dire ).
To come : they would come ( ils/elles viendraient)
I - Conditional forms with " if ".
For this Conditional forms we are going to see three types such as :
Zero type : used to describe things that are Always true or that Always happen.
It means that this action never change then we don't change the tense of the verb in the second proposition . If the verb of the first proposition is in present simple, the verb of the second proposition will also be in present simple.
Example: If you drop ice in water, it floats.
Naturally every ice droped in water floats.
First type : used to describe something that will probably happen in the future.
For this part we can say that if the verb of the first proposition is in present simple, we put the verb of the second proposition into future tense.
Example: If I have plenty money, I will build a big house.
Example 2 : If you work hard, you will succed.
SECOND TYPE : Used to describe imaginary situations or things that are unlikely to happen.
In this situation, if the verb of the first proposition is in past simple, put the verb of the second proposition into Conditional tense.
Example : if I bought my car, we would go to village.
Example 2 They would travel to Paris if they had a lof of money.
Grammar: conditional tense.
Reviewed by Unknown
juin 23, 2018

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