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Cours d'anglais pour la classe de troisième.

LESSON 1: African Independence Heroes

SESSION 1 Reading                                                                                                                             VOCABULARY: Words related to freedom

Freedom:  liberty. To fight: to struggle, to combat, to contend.

A leader: a chief, a head, a headman, a superior, a gaffer a skipper, a master.

Former: ancient, old, past, antique, late, ex.

Independence: COTE D’IVORE got its independent on the 7th of August 1960.


The past simple form is also called preterit.

STRUCTURE: for the regular verbs we put ‘’ Ed ’’ at the end of the verbs  

        Example: wash……………… washed          need……………….. Needed

        For the irregular verbs we should learn them by rot, these are some formulas to help you.
verbs ending by AY became AID such as SAY …………. SAID
        By ‘‘END’’ become ‘‘ENT’’ Example: Send, Lend, and Bend……… Sent, Lent, Bent.
        By ‘‘EED’’ become ED Example: Bleed, Feed Breed…………….Bled, Fed, Bred

N.B many verbs ending by ‘‘T’’ don’t change in past simple: EX Beat, bet, burst cast cost, cut, put, shut, slit, split etc.

 The exceptions are: to eat…ate, to fight…fought, to shoot…shot, to sit….sat, to spit…..spat.
 Follow these examples to make sentences in French and translate them into English.

EXAMPLE 1: je mange une pomme
…………….. ……………………. I eat an apple.
EXAMPLE 2 : J’ai mangé une pomme …………………………. I ate an apple.
EX 3 : Tu envoies des pommes de terre à Ali …….. You send Ali’s some potatoes.
EXAMPLE 4 : Tu as envoyé une pomme de terre à Ali …….. You sent Ali’s a potato.

Complete the gaps with the missing forms of the verbs.

1 - TO Spend …………………………………     depenser , passer

2- …………………………… Struggled  lutter , se battre

3 - To Find ……………………………….. trouver

4 - ………………………………..                           Parier

5- …………………………… Beat                                                  battre

6 - To Pay …………………………                       payer.
Cours d'anglais pour la classe de troisième. Cours d'anglais pour la classe de troisième. Reviewed by Unknown on juin 23, 2018 Rating: 5

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